Graphic Design can be understood as a form of visual communication. Graphic Design and Design theory guide you to use your imagination or original ideas to create something. Graphic design is a combination of both art and technology. It requires an image of the artist and the intelligence of a technologist. We instill the feeling of creativity which lies in every person and polish that creativity to the level of expression through various techniques and with the use of appropriate soft wares, as well.
Our Curriculum covers essential learning for anyone who wishes to know more about Graphic Design. Apart from theory, hands-on experience in all aspects of media would be given as part of the course. In this program, we cover various methods to create and combine words, symbols, illustrations, textures, images, etc. to create a visual representation of ideas & messages along with computers and computer-generated imagery, to produce a print-based design as well as web-based design.
This module introduces the student to the world of Digital Media, one gets to know about the latest technologies and advancements in the field of digital graphics and also gets a chance to learn various methods, techniques & soft wares required to design and modify those graphics. Apart from the further giving computer applications our faculties focus on various important aspects also like creativity enhancement, design principles, typography, file formats, image editing professional techniques, scanning, printing, etc.
Module 1: Design Theory
- Elements of Designing
- Laws & Concepts of Graphic Design
- Colour Schemes & Theories
- Typography
- Various File Formats & Resolutions
Module 2: Digital Illustrations
- Advanced Raster Techniques
- Creating Collages & Masks
- Digital Paintings & Wallpapers
- Social Media Designing
- Web Layouts & Banners
Module 3: Publication Designing
- Logo Designing & Concepts
- Vector Illustrations
- Symbols & Icon Design
- Business Stationery Designing
- Designing for Packaging
- Printing- Process, Strategy & Costing